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3 Reasons You Need to See a Doctor

I have heard people give many reasons for not going to the doctor.  One of the very popular reasons goes something like this- “Why do I need to go to the doctor?  I never get sick.”  Although you may not feel sick, having a primary care doctor has its benefits. 

Just like any other relationship in life, it helps to develop a rapport with a doctor. In most situations wouldn’t you rather go to a friend who knows you to discuss your problems than a stranger?  The same should hold true with your doctor-patient relationship.  A doctor who knows you may be able to pick up on many of the health subtleties just like a good friend due to simply having an established relationship. Don’t underestimate what this can do for your health.

You don’t just visit a physician when you “feel” sick.  There are many things that should be monitored and/or maintained regarding your health.  Variables like age, family history, and certain environments can all play a role in your well-being. Primary care doctors are like “health mechanics”.  Having a physician that you see regularly helps to keep you running like a well-oiled “machine”.

There will always be a possibility of a “what if” moment.  What if you experience an ongoing dull abdominal pain, or a rash, or an unexpected spot on your foot?  Wouldn’t it be nice to have a doctor who you are familiar with to consult when those situations arise?  For me, it would feel much better to say let me call MY doctor about this instead of let me FIND A doctor to talk to about this.

Even if you are “feeling fine”, having just an annual visit with your doctor can make a huge difference in your healthcare outcome. Your primary care doctor is there to help you keep your “engine” running smoothly.

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