
5 Ways to Decrease Risk of Heart Disease

Do you find yourself asking this question- “What are some ways to prevent heart disease?” February is American Heart Month. There are many factors that can play a role in someone developing heart disease. Some factors, like family history, we can’t control. However, I’m going to focus on 5 things that you can do that may decrease your risk of heart disease.

1. Eat Healthy. Don’t make this difficult, it can be as easy as making healthy food choices or watching your portions. If you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit instead of processed sweet options. Instead of fried, choose baked, grilled, broiled, or boiled. Also, read labels and pay attention to serving size. You may be surprised at what you find.

2. Exercise. Don’t overdo it or overthink it. Start small and work your way up. Do the best that you can. If all you can do is exercise 10 minutes a day, then exercise 10 minutes a day and build from there. Talk to your doctor about where you should start with your exercise regimen. 

3. Lose Weight. Some of us may already be at our target weight. However, some of us have work to do, and that’s ok too! Talk to your doctor about where your weight should be.

4. Control Blood Pressure. Your doctor can let you know an appropriate blood pressure for you based on the current guidelines and your particular situation.

5. Quit Smoking Cigarettes. If you are a smoker, make a plan to quit. Set a target date. Think of what you can do to decrease triggers to smoke. Find someone that can hold you accountable. If you stumble along the way, remember that every day is a brand-new start.

Many times, you may find yourself comparing your health journey to someone else’s. However, everybody’s journey is different. Our bodies are different. Our lifestyles are different. Our health conditions are different. Give yourself some credit. You’re already winning because you’ve recognized that a change needs to happen. Focus on setting your goals, writing a plan, and taking the steps that YOU need (not someone else) to get there. Your health journey is unique and it can inspire others. It doesn’t matter where you start- just start. 


While the blog will cover a wide range of healthcare related material, it is not intended to replace the advice and medical care of your medical provider. The content discussed/included in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not to be taken as medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, etc. for your healthcare needs. There is no doctor-patient relationship formed or implied by reading this blog. For any health-related concerns, questions, diagnosis, treatment, etc., please consult a medical/healthcare professional.

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